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[Martha Wetherbee Basket Workshop]

Here are some snapshots from yet another pair of wonderful workshops with Martha Wetherbee we had here in St. Louis June 24-27, 2004. Martha offered two classes, the third in a series of Nantucket signature nesting baskets and a Shaker spoon basket woven of brown ash.

Nantucket Signature Nesting Set

June 24-26, 2004

Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004

Mary listens as Martha explains the importance of starting the base layout with two staves directly opposite each other (this is where the handle will eventually go).


Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004

Virgia and Lynanne do some light prep work to the staves.


Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004

Lynn has half her staves in and weaves a row in to help hold things in place before she adds the remaining staves.


Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004

Martha inspects everyone's stave placement before weaving can begin.


Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004

Martha double checks Lynanne's stave count one final.


Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004

Annette is off and running on her 8" basket.



Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004

Wanda weaves in her first few rows.


Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004

Martha relates some of her vast knowledge of Nantucket history as Debbie listens and weaves.


Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004

Alan helps Jeana space and straighten out all of her staves after they have been banded down to dry.


Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004

As Annette waits for her staves to dry she prepares a batch of weavers by thinning down the tips.



It is the next day and Jeana and Lynn weave on their huge 14" baskets.


Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004

Debbie weaves on her 14" as Cindy weaves on her 12".


Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004

Virgia and Mary are weaving away too.


Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004

The room gets really quiet as everyone concentrates on their baskets.


Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004

But, before you know it everyone is over halfway done with the weaving.


Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004

Cindy inspects her basket as Debbie heads into the home stretch.


Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004

It is the next day and baskets are coming off the molds.


Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004

With her basket weaving leveled, Wanda trims the staves level.


Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004

Martha helps Debbie glue her rims together.


Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004

Jeana sands her rims until they are silky smooth.


Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004

All the baskets are off the molds and handles and rims are getting fitted.


Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004


Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004

Virgia, Cindy and Fern sand on their rims.


Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004

Lynanne stars pinning her rims on.


Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004

Debbie is having the time of her life and making a beautiful basket to boot.


Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004

Mary finishes the last stitch of her lashing.


Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004

Out in the garage, Alan applies the finish to the completed baskets.


Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004

Cindy, Debbie, and Anne proudly display their completed baskets.


Shaker Spoon Basket

June 27, 2004

Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004

Martha talks about the history of the Shaker spoon basket.


Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004

Martha explains about the Shaker system of proportions.


Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004

Martha demonstrates laying out the base.


Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004

With the base woven, it is pinned to the mold.


Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004

Virgia weaves her base as Debbie bands her basket to the mold.


Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004

Jane gives her basket a "hair cut".


Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004

Jeana begins weaving.


Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004

Cindy discovers how fast this little basket is to weave.


Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004

Lynn is over halfway done weaving up the sides.


Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004

Jan is off the mold and ready for the next step.


Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004

Anne has her basket leveled and the stave turned down.


Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004

Lynn lashes her basket.


Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004

After 4 days of intense weaving Alan gives a hand lashing a basket while Cindy finishes up hers.

Martha Wetherbee Workshop 2004

Check out photos from past workshops with JoAnn Kelly Catsos
2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012

Check out photos from past workshops with Eric Taylor
2011 | 2012

Check out photos from past workshops with Martha Wetherbee
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010

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Page created January 23, 2005
Copyright, J. Anthony Stubblefield, 2005-2013