Twilled Ash Bowl
Snowflake Bowl |
July 25-27, 2009 |

JoAnn Kelly Catsos shows the class the first basket they will be making, an ash twill bowl with saw tooth rim.

JoAnn explains about the molds we will be using.

JoAnn's instructions include not only written directions, but also great diagrams and photos.

JoAnn demonstrates the laying up of the base.

Jeana, Anne and Wanda set to work.

We use a couple of extra stakes to hold the verticals together as we lay in the horizontals.

The twilled base is initially laid up loosely, but with even spacing.

Pearl gives Wanda a helping paw?

Ann begins shrinking her base.

The bases are shrunk by tightening the spaces between the uprights.

Little by little the spaces are reduced in all directions.

The spaces are now a 1/16 of an inch or less.

Then the last bit of space is packed so that only tiny holes remain.

Jean checks to make sure all the spaces are even.

Cindy checks to make sure all the spaces are tiny perfect squares.

Martha Kay asks to have he base checked.

JoAnn helps Mary get her base centered on the mold.

With the base center it is pinned to the mold.

Leanne bands her uprights to the mold and spaces them out to dry.

Cindy gives her basket a "hair cut".

After the uprights have been dried to the mold Anne begins the weaving.

The basket is woven with a over two, under two pattern.

Around and around we go.

JoAnn helps Martha Kay on her corners.

Lynn keeps all of her uprights evenly spaced.

As more rows are woven the pattern really begins to emerge.

Anne keeps weaving away.

Lynanne is about half-way up the sides.

This is a cute little basket and is getting us primed for our big project.

And before we know it the baskets are off the molds.

JoAnn shows Jane and Cindy how to begin the saw tooth rim.

The rim consists of a half round inner rim and a thick piece of splint for the outer.

Once you get the hang of it the saw tooth isn't that tricky.

JoAnn demonstrates finish off the basket.

After folded and lashed the tails can be trimmed evenly.

Our finished Twilled Ash Bowls.

Leanne begins laying out the base of the Snowflake Bowl.

Cindy double checks her twill pattern.

Then the packing and shrinking begins.

Tony packs and packs.

Jeana, Anne and Wanda shrink their bases.

Leanne gives her base a final check.

Once all the spaces are as small as possible the base is attached to the mold.

And all the uprights are evenly spaced.

Jane reviews the instructions in preparation to begin weaving.

JoAnn helps Lynanne check her pattern as she comes to one of the corners.

Wanda reviews her pattern.

Cindy begins the fist few rows, which are the hardest.

After a few rows the pattern begins to emerge and is easier to visualize.

The weaving begins to speed up.

It isn't too long before we are halfway up the mold.

After a prescribed number of repeats we begin to come out of the pattern.

The transition to plain weaving begins.

Ann continues the plain weaving.

And before we know it we are to the top of the mold.

After drying the baskets are packed and leveled.

The uprights are folded to the inside and clipped.

The rows of plain weaving really make the twill pattern stand out.

After drying again the excess upright length can be trimmed.

Cindy trims the uprights flush with the edge of the rim.

Jeana begins to lash her basket.

Martha Kay finishes the last few stitches.

Our completed Snowflake Bowl.

For the speedier weavers JoAnn has brought a small kittenhead project.

Even this small it seems a piece of cake to weave after the twills.

Up to the top we weave.

The basket is packed and leveled.

We have the option of either a saw tooth rim or handle.

Jane opts for the bonnet handle.

Laurie works on a couple special projects.

She is making a 6" version of the Snowflake Bowl.

She is also making a 2" version of a Shaker knife basket.

The rims and handle for this basket are ridiculously small.

As always JoAnn brings a wonderful selection of kits and molds to sell.

JoAnn's visit wouldn't be complete without a trip to Crown Candy Kitchen and a mammoth BLT.