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I am very excited to again be able to offer two exciting classes with JoAnn Kelly Catsos of Ashley Falls, MA. JoAnn has won numerous awards for her beautiful black ash baskets and in 1999 she was asked to weave an ornament for the White House Christmas Tree. She also was one of the first to receive the Certificate of Excellence Level I Basketmaking from the Handweavers Guild of America. JoAnn and her husband Steve produce all the weaving materials, hardwood rims and handles, and molds themselves. I hope you can join JoAnn and me for this exciting and fun workshop.

Tony Stubblefield

2010 JoAnn Kelly Catsos Workshops

Saturday - Monday, October 16-18, 2010
9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Half-Size Shaker Knife


4" long x 3" tall

The small Shaker knife basket is a half-size replica of JoAnn's classic 8" knife basket. This classic Shaker icon will be a great additional to your collection.


Quadrafoil Tub

[Shaker Quadrafoil Tub]

6" diam. x 2.5" deep

This Shaker quadrafoil tub is based upon an antique Shaker tub at the Shaker Museum in Chatham, NY. The small stakes (3/32") and even smaller weavers (50/1000" and 1/16"), combined with the quadrafoil twill, makes this a challenging basket (but worth the effort).

Instructor: JoAnn Kelly Catsos
Three day workshop, both baskets included.

This is a three day advanced workshop
with quadrafoil twill experience necessary.
Both baskets are included in the workshop.

Contact: Tony Stubblefield
5655 Tholozan Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63109
(314) 353-4248


Check out past JoAnn Kelly Catsos Basket Workshops
2007 | 2008 | 2009

Check out all the great past Martha Wetherbee Basket Workshops
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009

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Copyright, J. Anthony Stubblefield, 2009